Friday, March 26, 2010

The genocide we and the world forgot

Guess which friendly, peace-loving, neighborhood country carried this genocide of Hindus....
One great (sic) thing about hindu civilization is how soon things are back to normal after genocides, war and terrorist attacks on india sponsored and executed by peace activist from RoP.

Contrast this with why and how Muharram is observed.

"Who bore the brunt of this genocide? Was it the Bengali Muslims? Were the Bengali Hindus selectively targeted? Or did both communities suffer equally? It is important to know the actual distribution of the casualties for therein may lie the clue to the big unanswered question: Why were the guilty not brought to book?
The killings were not random acts of response to a mass uprising but a meticulously crafted strategy of selective victimisation as Rummel indicates in his book: "In East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) [General Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan and his top generals] also planned to murder its Bengali intellectual, cultural, and political elite. They also planned to indiscriminately murder hundreds of thousands of its Hindus and drive the rest into India. And they planned to destroy its economic base to insure that it would be subordinate to West Pakistan for at least a generation to come. This despicable and cutthroat plan was outright genocide."

the genocide we and the world forgot

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